The AFSG aims to create an environment where our young people with Autism feel treasured and their parents/carers feel supported.
Our Mission
Support & Educate Our Young People
Support & Educate Parents/Carers
Spread Autism Awareness Throughout the Local Community
Our Core Values
We exist for our members
We are efficient and transparent
We value and respect each other
Our work is led by needs, informed by results and we focus on outcomes
Committee Members
Our committee is currently being formed under new management. We hope to increase current committee numbers soon so we can fill all key roles.
Chairperson: Brenda Taylor
Secretary: ​Karen Gibson
Treasurer: Rebecca Neely
Family Support Worker: Brenda Taylor
Other Roles
Child Protection Officer: Mairead McGlynn
Data Protection Officer: Brenda Taylor
Allied Irish Bank, 61 Upper Main Street, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal, F92 FX43.
Accounts & Audit
Stewart & MacLochlainn Chartered Accountants, Portland House, Port Road, Gortlee, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal, F92 CPX7.
Governance & Management
We are a self-managing and governing organisation. Our Committee Members operate by the rules set out in or Constitution and our Policies, Procedures and Codes of Conduct.
We hold the following regular meetings
Annual General Meeting
Monthly Committee Board Meeting
Sub-Committee Meetings (as required)
We are registered with the following governing bodies:
Charities Regulator
Companies Registration Office
Data Protection Commission
We are affiliated with the following bodies/groups:
The Sonic Club (ASD 12+ Youth Club)
The Weekenders (ASD 18+ Social Group)
The Autism Family Support Group is a fully registered charity:
Charity No: CHY 20075187
Companies Registration Office No: CLG 475819
Revenue No: CHY 19232